
All training options require a 3 month commitment.

Personal Training 1x/Week


This plan is for runners, cyclists and triathletes who are looking for an edge with technique & strength training.

This person already trains consistently 3-5x/week

This person knows that technique & strength training will improve their performance and longevity

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Personal Training 2x/Week


This plan is for the busy executive.

Twice a week we schedule a time to train. And by setting this time aside the busy executive is held accountable to consistently step away from her work for her body.

This will  make her stronger, leaner and more confident and  as a result she will take that confidence back to her work.

This plan is also for the injured athlete.

Pain is limiting and frustrating. It is also a message. It's a direct communication from the body that something radically different needs to happen now.

Twice a week we will do specific stretches and specific exercises to first relieve the pain then strengthen the body to move freely.

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Personal Training 3x/Week


This is for the individuals who want to get fit fast.

No matter where she is starting, at 3x/week we will see a dramatic difference every month

These individuals are also usually on a time line, i.e. a wedding in a few months or a big ski trip coming up.

At 3x/week, all of her fitness needs are taken care of so all she has to do is show up.

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Master's Class (55+)


This class is for people who are 55 and older.

These people are looking for a challenging training program that will keep them hiking 14er's until they're 100 or roll around on the floor with their grandkids.

We train three times a week for an hour and in every class we stretch, strength train and sweat. The class is designed to meet the needs of someone 55+ but train them to feel in their 40s.

We meet Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 8am

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This class is for athletes who are already training 3-5x/week and know they need to stretch more.

In this class we do advanced stretching & mobility exercises to keep athletes performing at their best and never stop training.

This class is designed as regular maintenance for the body so it can go 100% on demand.

We meet Mondays at 6:30pm and Thursdays at 8am

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