Ready to live free?

I help you move freely, without pain and
be the athlete you can become.

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Explore Your Potential

Are you struggling with pain? If you could trust your body would you be stronger, faster or better? Would you be more present with your family or more effective at work if you felt confident to take on any action?

Book an Introductory Call

During an
Introductory Call
we will

Discuss your goals

What would you like to achieve?

Discuss your obstacles

What's currently holding you back?

Schedule an assessment

Where should we start?

Explore your potential.

Book an Introductory Call
man sitting on chair in front of man

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Every week I share information on how to create a more free body and move you toward your potential.


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What clients write about Javier

I literally have never felt this confident and strong with everything! My downhill that I always struggle with and never feels confident was the opposite. I felt the best I ever felt!

If I would have known Javier before my surgeries, I would have never gotten them. I truly believe that I will be more fit in my 50s than I was in my 20s.

Everyone has a weak point in their body. Not everyone realizes how that weak point is affecting them. I help people turn their weak points into strengths so they can explore their potential.

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